Monday, April 2, 2012

A Dog Story

A Dog Story

Expert Author Martin Magano
Note: This story is unaccompanied by a dog photo, as it would ruin the end of the story. This is such a delight to read! Enjoy!

Its a very peaceful morning here at home. I'm sitting here at the porch watching the rain, the great gardener watering her plants patting them with little drops of joy. It's one of these days that I feel grateful to be alive, although sometimes I still miss her. My summer love and friend in a whole package.

Her name was Cory but in my world, I see her as my Juliet and the beauty incarnate that I be so lucky to have met. The first time I saw her was when she came in to our house, and it was a momentous occasion. I was eating breakfast and I didn't even notice that the food in my mouth fell back out because I seemed to have lost control of it with my jaw hanging down as i gazed unto her. She looked back at me and her eyes smiled, then she lowered her eyes to my mouth and the steady flow of food out of it, and she giggled.
Soon after, we hit it off. She said they were to stay there for a portion of summer. My heart was so pleased with all the anticipation of spending time with her but my mind just cant stop calculating how many days, hours and seconds are slowly fading before she goes away. But with just one of her giggles or her smiles, all my worries go away.

I trembled at the sheer power from those giggles and smiles for they have the power to stun me and sometimes make me do things I don't usually do.

Things I never knew I on the third day of her stay here, I was watching her as she was having a lovely stroll out in front of the house when Butch came by and in one glance at her, came zooming back. Anyone would be okay with me, I'd accept it if she likes him. But its Butch! The neighborhood bully and notorious heartbreaker. Now I'm just an average guy and not much good for anything, especially against Butch who I think is so huge that I'm just a match for one of his legs.

But courage flickered inside me when I saw Cory doesn't like him and is starting to get irritated as he kept coming on to her. I jumped from where I was sitting and dashed for Butch's side. My head collided with him with much force. He fell down from my surprise attack. I remember my head hurt insanely. Butch must have muscles like steel for I had a bump on my head for a whole week.

After smiling intently at each other, we realized that Butch was about to recover. So we ran away as fast as we can and paying no attention to where we were going. It felt good, running with her. Soon after, our rugged breaths became laughter and giggles. We wound up in a tulip garden just outside our small town. We played there the whole day running around and just... laughing. Those were one of the things I'll remember for the rest of my life, I think I was falling deeply in love with her.

Then it suddenly rained hard, the first rain after summer. The rain felt good. I was about to run for it when I saw in the corner of my eyes that she's just staring at me smiling. I wanted to tell her that we better get out of the rain but she had that kind of look on her face... then I smiled back and we played in the rain. I could almost hear the rain performing a symphony just for us and the tulips dancing to the music.

I woke up on my bed the next day flaming with fever and colds. I would have felt miserably awful but then I felt her beside me smiling. As it appears, she has a fever as well, we laughed about it the whole day. Onto the next days, we spent much time together... nursing each other back to health, making sure the other is warm enough and properly fed. We just stayed indoors watching the rain outside sitting on the porch side by side. We didn't even notice that we already got well.

After a few days, they left. I just woke up without her by my side and nowhere to be seen. I even went back to the tulip garden, but she wasn't there... it was a clean break, like waking up from a very very great and fantastic dream back to my lonely colorless life... I'll never forget her... my summer love.

And so here I am watching the rain here on the porch, remembering the good old days...
I hear footsteps behind me but I don't turn and look, I'm too depressed for it. He sits at the chair beside me and slides a bowl in front of me with "CODY" written on it.

"I bet you miss her... yeah, I miss her master too." my master said as he watches the rain with me. He then gently tussles my hair and pretty soon my tail starts to wiggle...
I won't be completely lonely, still have my master...
"A Dog Story"
by martin magano
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